As a Dubliner ~Late March~


In today's session, I found Mary was the member of famous music family in Ireland(She gave me her CD and her real name was on the credit)!
She said it was difficult for her to remember my name and I decided to write my name on my banjo.
We exchanged the phone number.


I did papers all the day. Terrible.


I wrote essay for the class all the day. I'm done.
I also made new songs.


I earned more than 25 euros in 90 minutes on the street and I stop by cobblestone for a pint.
An drunken guy was there and he talked to me a lot. He asked me the price of my banjo. As I answered complained that my banjo was too expensive but at the same time praised me a lot and he asked me to teach his brother banjo.
Anyway, his local diarect was too strong to understand..

I also met my professor in the pub and surprisingly he was the host of todays session.
It was Donegal session and so I couldn't join but I really enjoyed. I treated him a pint as we promised before and for his playing(He said "Thanks for a pint" in his mail about the essay a few days later)
During the session, he taught me the derivation of  the tunes. We can rarely enjoy Donegal tunes in Dublin and it was fantastic time.
I left the pub and we promised to see on friday(His classes are on Friday)

In the house, my flatmates gave me a piece of carrot cake.

I went to next city to teach banjo but he was not at home. Terrible.

I ate mongolian BBQ after getting back to city centre. I found I was getting better at scooping food into the bowl as much as possible than before.
Today I went to peader browns to join the session with Marin. It was fantastic and drunk a lot as always.
At night, on the way to the nearest bus stop, we are pointed by the red laser and we were really scared.
It might be someone's prank.

I made fish and chips at home and drunk more.

  I killed my 2000 words essay submitted to the university only in a half day. I wrote the essay about the differences between Irish session in Ireland and in Japan. The names of many japanese community  and individuals appeared there.
  I noticed I had the exam of Indonesian Gamelan music after that but It was already late at night.
Oh my gosh.

I had the exam. Though I couldn't prepare for it well, I did my best.
I played on the street after that. I noticed that I have already earned more than 400 Euros by busking.
At night, I joined the session at cobblestone and today I finally recognized all the tunes in the session. I am now the one of the regulars in this session!
For celebrating it, I drunk Sake that Kai gave me after getting back home.


I tried to make pastel, brazilian traditional food, but I failed.
What on the earth is this!!? In addition, it took more than three hours to cook.
My brazilian said it's not pastel but also said delicious as a compliment.

I bought rod and lure in the shop for fishing. In Donegal, I got no fish and I wanna fish next time for sure.The owner gave me other necessarily tools for free. According to him, the fish called pollock is a good target. He also told me a good place for fishing.

I went to Japanese society at UCD and one of the member said he would come to Tokyo next month. He asked me where the good irish pub in Tokyo is and I recommended An solas.

At night, I visited Rag traders. In this pub, the musicians can drink for free!! I finally became regular of the session. It was really good time.  
This session is the best session in dublin, I think, and I am proud of being there.
I also got 10 euros for playing by the costomer. It was like a dream . . . !
Now I can survive in this country by playing banjo.

I left my all fishing tools and lost them, though...

In Dublin, daytime is longer than in Japan.

Today I went to Brady's pub in Meath county, next county to Dublin, and joined the session. It was far from city center but bus fare was free because of my rambler card.
The session was really fantastic!!
First of all, they recognised me because I was already on facebook of Brady's pub.
When I came there last month, I mistakenly came the wrong day and there was no session. Then, dearly owner asked me to play solo banjo. I accepted his proposal and the movie of me playing banjo was uploaded by him.

We played together and they really praised me. Actually, I should have left there within an hour because of the last bus but they asked me to play more. I finally missed the bus and play until 1 a.m(Dearest John drove me to my house 20 kilometers far from the pub)!

The music was brilliant and there were many fantastic tunes. There were also many songs and they kept singing after the owner stopped them playing by showing a scissor to cut the strings of instruments(of course was just kidding)
I also sang songs by Gaelic and they loved it. The man sitting next to me called me Paddy Joe because he said I was more "Irish" than others. I think it was a complement but was so glad. He also talked me a lot and gave me a pint . . . ! Thank you !!!

In addition, there was a really good banjo player. At least, he was the best banjy player I met in Dublin.

I was drunken but satisfied and got back home by John's car. The night from the highway was really beautiful.

Good friday!! In this day, it had been banned to open bars for 90 years. However, from this year, it became legal!! Of course I went to pub after killing my essay.
I drunk with Ben, Marin, and Ihono. Today I heard one song that I had heard in Doolin. I was really amazed then by that song but I didn't knew the name of that song. Today I finally met that song again and got to know the name.
It was fantastic time!

I had a cold, though.

I took a rest today. I made cottage pie because it might be good for health.

My professor sent me information about the next essay and it said the next themes were " the session's atmosphere" and "the experience in the session as a collector".
It seems that I have to go to session and drink more.

Awesome!! This is it!!!!